关键词:电子商务 ;交易成本 ;产品定价
ABSTRACT:As the popularization of Internet and increasing understanding of Electronic Commerce, China’s E-commerce has developed rapidly.Transaction cost theory is the academic base of EC. Researches in this aspect not only expand the study field of EC, but also help to amend the business model, expand business scope.An important reason why sellers choose EC is that the transaction costs of this way is lower than traditional way. However, variety of uncertainties of E-commerce transactions, as well as sellers’ not so high acceptance of this new trading has been restricted the flourish of EC. With the perspective of correlation status, this paper focus on sellers’ perceived uncertainty and acceptance of EC to analysis the transaction costs. Then did research on how transaction cost flaws effect product pricing. The conclusions are: sellers’ perceived uncertainty have positive influence on transaction cost, acceptance of EC is negatively related to transaction coat, and transaction cost is positively related to sellers’ product pricing; also, sellers’ perceived uncertainty and acceptance of EC have influence on product pricing.
Finally, the status quo of China's e-commerce development, considering the impact of transaction costs on product pricing, we prospect the trend of e-commerce development.
Keywords: Electronic Commerce; Transaction Cost; Pricing