摘 要:本课题主要研究凉茶的深加工技术,以药食同源食物与中草药为原料,提取其中有效成分制成速溶性粉末。本研究采用了粉碎、浸提、过滤、离心分离、真空浓缩、冷冻干燥及真空干燥等主要加工工艺。利用正交试验确定出最佳的原料配比、最佳辅料配比。实验确定最佳原料配比为:甘草10g、夏枯草7.5g、菊花7.5g、山栀子7.5g、绵因陈7.5g、溪黄草7.5g、桑叶5g、车前子5g、黄芩2.5g。最佳辅料配比为:环糊精0.4%,白砂糖5%,甜蜜素0.05%,麦芽糊精1%。工艺流程为:原料加水2500ml后置于电炉上加热至沸腾,用沸水浸提1h,浸出料液经八层纱布粗过滤后使用4000rpm高速离心分离机离心10min,去底部沉淀后料液加入辅料,待料液中辅料完全溶解后真空浓缩至粘稠状经-46℃冷冻干燥24h后得固体凉茶块,粉碎后即得速溶凉茶粉成品。
关键词 中草药;配方;工艺;正交试验
Abstract:The main research topics of herbal tea deep processing technology, the raw materials of herbal tea herbal extract particles of active pharmaceutical ingredients made from powdered instant. In this study, using a high-speed grinding mill, ceramic pot heat extraction, filter cloth, centrifugal separation of high-speed centrifuge, vacuum rotary evaporator, freeze-drying and vacuum drying process. Orthogonal experiment to determine the optimal ratio of raw materials, the best ratio of additives to determine the best taste and flour yield. The optimum process: Chinese herbal medicine plus 10g of licorice , 7.5g of self heal ,7.5g of chrysanthemum, 7.5g of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, 7.5g of seedling of Virgate Wormwood , 7.5g of isodon serra, 7.5g of licorice, 5g of mulberry leaves, 5g of semen plantaginis, 2.5g of radix scutellariae and add water 2500ml heating boiling water leaching 1h, leaching solution after eight layer gauze coarse filtration using 4000 r/s high speed centrifuge centrifuge for 10 min, and after settling at the bottom of the liquid medicine adding 0.4% cyclodextrin, 5 % sugar, 0.05% sodium cyclamate, until the liquid additive is completely dissolved and concentrated in vacuo to a sticky solid drugs block after -46 ℃ freeze-drying or vacuum drying 24h was crushed vested instant herbal tea powder finished.
Keywords Herbs formula technology orthogonal test