关键词:浮游动物; 群落结构; 水质; 梁溪
Abstract: Zooplankton communities were investigated monthly (February-March 2010) in Liangxi River.Based on the investigation data,the species composition,dominant species,biomass,density, biodiversity index,evenness index and species richness index in Liangxi River were studied. A total of 54 species, among which, Rotifer was the main group, which contained 19 species (35.19% of the total species number).18 species of Cladocera(33.33%) and 17 species of Copepoda(31.48%) were observed. The dominant species were Brachionus calyciflorus,Brachionus forficula,Keratella valga, Bosmina coregon,Bosmina longirostris and Moina rectirosris. Based on the species number, density, and biomass of zooplankton, it had found that Liangxi River was in nutrition and it was inclined to be in eutrophic status.
Key words: Zooplankton; Community structure; Water quality; Liangxi River