Abstract: To find out the safe status of sorbic acid ,benzoic acid and saccharin sodium used in food commercially available in Nanjing ,samples of five kinds of food(namely soy sauce, vinegar, jelly, bean curd preserved, conserve),which drew from supermarkets and wholesale food markets,were tested by high performance liquid chromatoqraphy according to Examination method of food hygiene.The part of physics and chemistry (GB/T5009.29-2003).The results were analyzed in accordance with GB2760-2011andGB14884-2003.By detecting the quantity contained of sorbic acid ,benzoic acid and saccharin sodium in 50 samples and analyzing the results,we work out a solution that the usage of sorbic acid and saccharin sodium among five kinds of food and sorbic acid used in soy sauce, vinegar, jelly, bean curd preserved are within the normal range. We can also see there is a relatively severe phenomenon that the benzoic acid used in conserve exceed the normal range ,with approximate 10 percent of all samples of conserve exceeding .
Key words: Food additives.; sorbic acid; benzoic acid; saccharin sodium ;Determination