摘要:中国是目前世界上在建五星级酒店最多的国家,近年来,中国五星级酒店整 体规模实现了快速的增长,行业发展水平也取得了长足的进步,特别是进入21世纪后,旅游业带动酒店业飞速发展,加入WTO,中国综合国力的增强,使得中国正式加入世界经济体系,也使得世界经济中心,有美欧逐渐向中亚转移,这使得中国需要建造更多的酒店来迎接来中国进行经济贸易的客人,据数据统计,截止到,中国的星级酒店数量已经达到了,然而中国的酒店并没有像国外酒店业进行了几十年的经验积累,形成为酒店业发展提供保障的管理文化,中国酒店的快速发展其实已经进入了麻木发展的重数量不重质量的发展阶段,这也主要体现在中国酒店从业人员大部分受教育程度不高,而另一方面,酒店人才流失严重也是一个不可忽视的问题。
关键词: 酒店,人力资源,学校
Abstract:China is currently under construction in the world of countries most five-star hotel, in recent years, China's five-star hotel whole body size realized the fast growth, industry development level also has made good progress, especially in the 21 st century, tourism drive the hotel industry is developing rapidly, and accession to the WTO, China's overall strength enhancing, make China officially joined the world economic system, and also makes the world economic center, the us and Europe have gradually to central Asia transfer, this makes China needs to build more hotel to meet to China for economic and trade guest, according to the figures, by, China's star hotel number has reached, but China's hotel and not like the hotel industry abroad the decades of experience, forms for the hotel industry development to provide security management culture, the rapid development of the China hotel actually have entered the numbness development quantity not heavy quality stage of development, it also mainly reflects in China hotel employees by education most high degree, and on the other hand, the hotel the brain drain is serious is an unavoidable issue.
This paper mainly is aims at the hotel human resources loss serious a plane, the brain drain of the serious well educated, through the hotel, the hotel management professional students themselves, the school three aspects are discussed.
Key Words:Hotel; Human resources; School