关键词:P2P网络信贷 信用风险 信息不对称
Abstract: Today,as the internet developes rapidly,the traditional financial instruments has been insufficient to meet the needs of the public.So P2P lending has become a hot issue. As a new type of financial instruments, P2P lending has a rapid development. But it is full of a lot of uncertain factors and includes huge risks. As many P2P lending companies are bankrupted,the quality of this kind of financial instrument is not high under the inadequate supervision. Study how to make this kind of financial instrument a solid development is a priority. This paper first describes P2P lending’s domestic situation and status from abroad to develop; And analyses a domestic P2P lending company – Paipai Lending, to explore the impact of credit on P2P lending ; Finally, from three aspects:the perspective of P2P lending companies, legal supervision and the user's own self-protection,make recommendations about how to make this innovation to become a reliable, universal financial instrument,and promote the development of our financial network.
Key words: P2P Lending Credit Risk Information Asymmetry