关键词:企业年金 税制 新政策
Abstract:1300000000 population of China's old-age security system put an enormous burden, and thus improving the old-age security system has become the priority among priorities.The enterprise annuity is an important part of diversified old-age security system and a necessary supplement to the national statutory pension insurance.But at present our country enterprise annuity development is slow, the enterprise and individual employees enthusiasm is not high,and a series of problems are to be solved urgently.
This article from our country enterprise annuity development stage of line, in-depth analysis of the problems, make the interpretation of China's relevant policies. Compared with the developed countries of the enterprise annuity system, combined with China's new tax policy, evaluates its vital significance to our country's old-age security system, and further improvement recommendations.
Key words: Enterprise annuity Tax system new policy