关键词:保险欺诈行为 原因分析 危害评估 预防对策
Abstract:Insurance fraud is a common problem in the development of the insurance industry in every country , its harm for the insurance industry is very serious.However, the day is born from the insurance industry, fraud will be met everywhere.Implementation of insurance fraud not only including insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, the insurant, the insured or the beneficiary is also involved.From the insurance company's point of view, we should focus on how to reduce and prevent fraud insured,therefore understanding the conventional method, the insured fraud fraud insured causes harm,grasp the measures to deal with fraud has important significance.This paper mainly discusses fraud insured performance,analysis of the course,and the insurance company according to fraud strategy,hope to have function to our country's development of the insurance industry.
Key words:insurance fraud analysis of the course hazard assessment preventive measures