关键词:保险公司 要素 能力 竞争力 核心竞争力
Abstract: The insurance companies of China need to build their own core competitiveness in the transition from the traditional management to the modern company management. The article begins with the concept of core competitiveness, the elements of which are defined as the capacity of six aspects, namely the risk management capability, marketing capability, insurance design and insurance R & D capability, innovation capability, organizational learning capability, enterprise strategy management and enterprise culture. Based on analyzing the competitiveness of China's insurance companies, many of the problems that exist in the insurance company business scale, market structure, business structure, market sales, good faith service and other aspects of the insurance companies are pointed out. According to the international, domestic competitive market environment, combined with the core elements of competitiveness, the current situation and the drawback of the insurance companies, around the enterprise survival and the main line of development, people-oriented, take the market as the guidance, taking the benefit as the goal, with technology as the conception and innovation as the driving force, the ways to cultivate the core competitiveness of insurance companies and promote the competitive advantage in insurance companies are discussed.
Key words: insurance enterprise element capacity competitiveness core competitiveness