摘要:徐州雅鹿白云购物广场的前身为徐州白云百货,于1984 年开业,是徐州八十年代的标志性建筑,也是徐州人民时尚消费的前沿地带。1994 年企业进行股份制改造,成为在省工商局注册的股份有限公司。但是,随着市场经济的发展以及金鹰等中高档百货商场的进驻,使曾经辉煌一时的白云百货,呈现出“不愠不火”的现状。本次策划方案针对白云百货“黯淡无光”的经营现状进行市场调查并加以分析,发现白云百货存在专区分布不合理、促销活动影响力不够、品牌形象和广告设计不具特色等问题。根据市场调查得到的结论,结合著名的“USP 理论”、“4P 理论”、“5W 模式”等广告学专业理论,对白云百货进行整合营销策划。最终将白云百货的核心目标市场确定为老年群体;广告语重新设计为“白云百货,专为父母量身定做”;品牌整体形象定位为“实惠、便利、优质”;最后,通过一系列具体的活动策划方案实现品牌推广。本次策划方案的最终目的是使得白云百货这一老品牌在徐州地区的美誉度得到提升,并辐射到周边地区,逐步扩大销售范围,增加销售额。
关键词 白云百货;淮海商业圈;徐州市场;传播方案;营销策略
Abstract:Xuzhou Yalu Baiyun shopping plaza opened in 1984,formerly known as the Baiyun department tower.It is a landmark building of Xuzhou eighties and a fashion consumption zone in Xuzhou people’s heart.In 1994,the shareholding system reformed to corporation registered in province administration.However, with the development of market economy and other high-end department stores’ garrison,like JinYing,makes BaiYun presents a status of “not pressed the fire”.This case according to the “dim” current situation of Baiyun department business market research and analysis. We found that its zone distribution is not reasonable, influence of promotion activities is not enough, brand image and advertising design hasn’t its own characteristics. According to the market research to conclusion, combined with the will-known theory of advertising specialty,like “Unique Selling Proposition””Theory of 4Ps”” Theory of 5W” views.For Baiyun Department make the integration-owned marketing planning.The AD to design for “Baiyun department,specifically tailored for parents”.The overall image of brand positioning is “affordable, convenient, high quality”.Finally, through a series of specific activities implement brand to promote planning scheme.The ultimate goal of the planning scheme is making the old Baiyun department improve a brand reputation in Xuzhou region, radiate to surrounding areas and gradually expand the scope of sales to increase sales.
Keywords Baiyun department Huaihai business circle Xuzhou market Communication programs Marketing strategy