ABSTRACT: Horse racing is tibetan's in order to commemorate national hero gesar and gradually evolved into a kind of traditional folk activities.For the Tibetan people,horses are not only ride instead of walk and transportation tools. It is but also the symbol of Tibetan's spirit and related to Tibetan life, Tibetan has a profound love with horse.Horse racing is not only Tibetan gathering during farming spare time,a place to communicating farming production experience, it is also a show of Tibetan spirit.Horse racing as a kind of traditional sports activities,and rich Tibetan life. Meanwhile, it also improved people's physical quality, and enhance the people's physical health.With the continuous development of society,horse racing activities have become the most lasting and the most widespread activities for Tibetan,and created one of the Tibetan secular culture horse racing culture.It has significant national culture and it is a long-term good treasure of cultural inheritance.At the same time,with the constant expansion of racing activities,drive the shangri-la region's economic development to a certain extent and improved people's living level.
Keywords:Honghe university ; Public horse racing activities; Course motivation of students