摘 要:经济型酒店的概念形成于十九世纪的美国,近些年来才在中国出现。经济型酒店的主要特点就是把功能简化,主要注重在住宿服务上,而把诸如餐饮、购物、娱乐等服务大大缩减,甚至取消,因此运营成本得到很大幅度降低。中国经济型酒店于1996 年开始才得到发展,“锦江之星”作为全中国第一个本土经济型酒店品牌得以问世。进入二十一世纪以后,各种经济型酒店品牌如雨后春笋般迅速增加。从2001年至今,我国经济型酒店整体规模年均增速大大超过50%,成为世界经济型酒店发展史上的奇观。如此多本土品牌的出现,再加上国外品牌如Super 8、Days Inn等的加入,可以预见,中国经济型酒店的竞争会变得越来越激烈,在此情况下,笔者认为成本控制已经上升成为了经济型酒店生存的一个战略高度。本课题说明了中国经济型酒店行业采取成本控制的必要性,以成本控制的几种方法为切入点,结合中国经济型酒店的现状,并借助对成本控制的典范——七天酒店为分析对象,总结国外同行业的先进经验,指明中国经济型酒店行业成本控制中应该采取的有效措施和方法。
关键词 :经济型酒店;成本控制;成本管理;七天酒店
ABSTRACT:The concept of Budget hotel came into being in US of last century, but budget hotel appeared in China just in recent few years. The main characteristics of budget hotel are that it simplifies its functions, mainly emphasizes on sleeping service. Compression, dining, shopping, entertainment features are greatly simplified, or even no, as a result, operating costs significantly reduce. The initial development of China's economy hotel began in 1996, Jin Jiang Inn of Shanghai Jin Jiang Group came as China's first economy hotel brand. The 21st century, economy hotel brand has rapidly developed. Since 2001, China's economy hotel overall size of far more than the average annual growth rate of 50%, this history of the development is rare in the world economy hotel. The emergence of so many brands, coupled with foreign brands, such as Super 8, Days Inn added, the budget hotel industry has become more and more intense competition, cost control has risen to become the economic hotels survival of a strategic height. The subject shows that China's economy hotel industry to take the need for cost control, several ways to control costs, combined with the status quo of China's economy hotel, with the help of a model for cost control - seven days the hotel for the analysis of the object, summary of the advanced experience of foreign countries, indicating what effective measures and methods China's economy hotel industry should take to control cost.
Keywords : economy(budget) hotel ; cost control ;cost management ;7days inn