关键词:大学毕业生 就业心态
Abstract: This topic is mainly studied in the process of college graduates in employment psychological problem,The research object is university graduates for 2011 , The research methods mainly are literature method and questionnaire, the Purpose is to describe some of the existing in employment psychological state of Contemporary college students , And analyzing bad attitudes on their job of them and these negatives reasons through theory and digital data. The thesis describes university graduates employment psychology status mainly from four aspects, including employment preparations, employment cognitive situation, the values of employment and employment channel, Putting forward some existing adverse employment psychology of contemporary college graduates from two aspects, including Cognitive and social psychology.,And according to theory and data made some reason analysis for these negatives of college graduates from personal factors, family factor, school factors and social factors .
Keywords: College graduates Employment psychology
大学生就业现状一直是社会所关注的焦点问题, 2010年应届高校毕业生达到了630万人,加上往年没有就业的学生,总共有900多万毕业生,越来越多的大学毕业生在等待就业,但是工作岗位供不应求的现状将一直存在,大学毕业生就业竞争越来越激烈,加上社会上存在的不正之风的现象,使得大学毕业生就业心理压力越来越大,以至于他们在就业过程中经常会产生心理冲突、矛盾等问题,甚至是心理疾病,不仅影响了他们的心理健康,而且还会影响他们的正常就业,造成社会人力资源的浪费。因此探究大学毕业生的不良就业心态是很必要的,从实际意义上来说可以使大学生了解到自己的不良心态,尽快投入到工作岗位、减少他们在就业过程中的盲目行为,对于他们的发展前途是很有益处的,并且可以促进资源的有效配置,稳定社会,促进社会的和谐和发展。从理论意义上来说,通过调查结果,可以探究出当代大学毕业生存在的一些较新的心态问题,时效性较强,并且可以为专家学者们提供更新的数据资料,为解决当代大学生就业心理问题做出一点贡献。