Abstract:The rapid development of china’s online shopping market provides a broader space as well as a greater challenge for e-commerce businesses and online retailers. It has become an enormous challenge for e-commerce businesses and retailers to get to know the real need of consumers.As a goup that covers more than a quarter of the online shopping population,College students have been regarded as a huge potential target group. For this reason, it is essential for e-commerce businesses and online retailers to insight into the characteristics and influencing factors of college students’s online shopping behaviors.
To investigate the influencing factors of students’ online shopping propensity, the article takes online shopping behavior as a new technique to study the degee of consumer acceptance from a technical perspective. On the basis of relevant research and the UTAUT model with high explanatory power, combined with the characteristics of this group of college students ,the artical formulates hypotheses and establishs the model of college students’ online shopping propensity, designing scale investigation by letter validity of the questionnaire in order to ensure the reliability analysis,using factor analysis to identify important factors and correlation and regression analysis to test hypotheses and draw conclusions. The results show that the core variables--fun of online shopping and social impact tend to have a significant impact on students’ online shopping propensity, followed by performance expectations and efforts expectations which also have a great impact.trust and risk protection and contributing factors have the least impact on students’ online shopping propensity . The adjustment variables-- gender, the net purchase frequency, the net age and monthly consumption levels will affect the core of the model variables and the propensity to consume to some extent. This result is in line with characteristics of contemporary students’ consumer behavior and also reflects the changes of the younger generation in online shopping behaviors for the past two years to a certain extent.
Keywords: UTAUT model; college students; online shopping; propensity to consume