关键词 绿色营销;房地产企业;营销策略
Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, enhancement of people's environmental protection idea, the world entered the era of advocating nature, protect environment "green". Green era inspired green consumption, green consumption and enterprises do green marketing, green marketing will undoubtedly become the leading enterprise marketing today. The real estate industry as a pillar industry of the national economy, in its rapid development at the same time, the environmental problems brought by it are becoming increasingly prominent. In the precondition of green background, the real estate industry to abandon the extensive development mode of the original, the green environmental protection into the product development, change management idea, and seek a new marketing model with matching, therefore, the green marketing emerge as the times require, in order to replace the traditional marketing mode.
This paper selects the hot real estate market as background, the green marketing theory and related concepts are described, and the present situation of green marketing to explore of Hengsheng Real Estate Company Hengsheng Jiayuan project. Finally, combined with the actual situation in Hangzhou area, and puts forward the green marketing strategy based on the theory of marketing enterprises. Finally the paper is summarized, and draw a conclusion.
Keywords Green marketing Real estate enterprises Marketing strategy