Abstract:Agatha Christie is a well-known English detective writer who has been regarded as the best-selling novelist by Guinness World Record.
Ten Little Indians was first published in 1939. Upon its publication, it got a favorable reception from readers and its sales volume even reached over 100 million. The book depicted eight people, unknown to each other, came to the Indian island after receiving the letters of invitation without clear signature. On the island, they were welcomed by two servants who were couples and were also new to this island. In the rooms, they found a poem about ten little Indian boys. And then the eight people and the servants were weirdly murdered one by one. Finally, there were none left. Besides, this book has been adapted into movies and dramas shown around the world.
Originated from France and well refurbished by scholars like Genette and Mieke, Narratology is a predominant theory which has been developed for several decades. Narratology is popular in literature criticism. Yet few scholars have analyzed Ten Little Indians from the perspective of Narratology. This thesis intends to unveil the unique narrative techniques of the novel from the perspective of Narratology, mainly including narrative time, plot and narrative language, hoping to provide a new perspective to interpret the novel.
Keywords: Ten Little Indians Narratology Agatha Christie
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Introduction to Agatha Christie-1
1.2Introduction to Ten Little Indians-1
1.3 Litreature Review-3
1.4 Thesis Structure-4
Chapter Two Theory Basis-5
2.1Brief Introduction to Narratology -5
2.2Classification of Narratology-5
2.2.1 Classical Narratology-5
2.2.2 Postclassical Narratology-6
ChapterThree Analysis of the Narrative Techniques in the Novel-8
3.1 Narrative Time in Ten Little Indians-8
3.1.1 Duration: Ways to change Narrative Pace-8
3.1.2Retroversion: Ways to Create Suspense-9
3.2 Plot Construction in Ten Little Indians-9
3.2.1 Mysterious Letters, Introducing the Beginning of the Plot -10
3.2.2 Nursery Rhymes, Promoting the Development of the Plot-12
3.3 Narrative Language in Ten Little Indians-13
ChapterFour Conciusion-15