Abstract: This study aims to study the vague language in presidential speeches. Guided by the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle, the paper analyzes the formation and particular functions of vague language in American presidential speeches. And the paper finds that in order to achieve pragmatic or diplomatic purposes, vague language in presidential speeches usually violate the maxims of Cooperative Principle and and abide by the maxims of the Politeness Principle. It also analyzes the four pragmatic functions of vague language in presidential speeches: self-protection, showing politeness, withholding information, creating harmonious atmosphere.
Key words: vague language; American presidential speeches; Cooperative Principle; Politeness Principle; pragmatic functions
1. Introduction-1
2. Vague Language-1
2.1 Definition of Vague Language-1
2.2 Functions of Vague Language-2
2.3 Vague Language in Presidential Speech-3
3. Theoretical Framework-4
3.1 Grice's Cooperative Principle-4
3.2 Leech's Politeness Principle-5
4. The Pragmatic Analysis of Vague Language from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle-6
4.1The Realization of Vague Language under the Guidance of Cooperative Principle-6
4.1.1 The Violation of Maxim of Quantity and Maxim of Quality-6
4.1.2 The Violation of Maxim of Relevance and Maxim of Manner-7
4.2 The Realization of Vague Language under the Guidance of Politeness Principle-8
4.2.1 Maxim of Tact and Maxim of Generosity-9
4.2.2 Maxim of Approbation and Maxim of Modesty-10
4.2.3 Maxim of Agreement and Maxim of Sympathy-11
4.3 Functions of Vague Language in Presidential Speech-12
4.3.1 Self-protection-12
4.3.2 Showing Politeness-13
4.3.3 Withholding Information-13
4.3.4 Creating Harmonious Atmosphere-14