Abstract: Age difference in the process of second language acquisition (SLA) has being drawing scholars and educators’ attention. Many studies have proved that age is one of the most significant factors influencing SLA. It was initially about first language acquisition, and it was accepted by lots of psycholinguists. Then some researchers thought that it also exists a critical period in SLA. The hypothesis was supported by the Critical Period Hypothesis: during a fixed span of years, people can master a language naturally and effortlessly, and after the period it is no longer able to be completely successful. Facing with this low-age learning tend, this paper tries to discuss the best appropriate age in SLA. The quoted study involves many subjects with different ages, including children, adolescents and adults. By studying these cases, it is concluded that these three groups have their own advantages and disadvantages in SLA, and both children and adults can acquire a second language successfully. Moreover, it is suggest that educators should pay special attention to the foreign language teaching in secondary school.
Key words: second language acquisition; Critical Period Hypothesis; age factor
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review.2
2.1 The Critical Period Hypothesis
2.1.1 Critical Period in the First Language
2.1.2 Critical Period in the Second Language
2.2 The Sensitive Period Hypothesis
3. Studies of Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition4
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Features of Childhood Learning
3.3 Features of Adolescents Learning
3.4 Features of Adulthood Learning
3.5 Summary
4. Analysis of the Results from the Studies.7
4.1 Analysis of the Results of the Studies
4.2 Limitation of the Studies
5. Conclusion.9