关键词:中国英语新闻事业, 西方传媒集团, 新闻改革, 受众
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
1. 1 News Media and Politics-1
1. 2 News Media and Economy-1
1. 3 News Media and Culture-2
1. 4 News Media and War-2
Chapter 2 The Current Situation of International Journalism-3
2. 1 Expansion to the Whole World-3
2. 1. 1 Globalization of Informative Dissemination-3
2. 1. 2 Globalization of Media Management-4
2. 2 Operation for Commercial Aim-4
2. 3 Multifunction of the Media-4
2. 4 Centralized Management-5
Chapter 3 The Current Situation of Chinese English-language Media-5
3. 1. Two Patterns of Development-5
3. 2 Ownership & Investment-6
3. 3 Two Roles of the Chinese English-language-7
Chapter 4 Factors Restricting the Development of China's English-language Media-8
4. 1 Foreigners or Chinese-8
4. 1. 1 Foreigners or Chinese-audience-8
4. 1. 2 Foreigners or Chinese-gifted News Editors-8
4. 2 Market or Plan as for the Media Management-9
4. 3 English vs. Chinese-9
Chapter 5 Tendency and Strategy for the Development of the English-language Media-9
5. 1 The Tendency of Chinese English Media-9
5. 1. 1 Diversifying the Function, Complicating the Structure and the Continuous Development of Traditional Media e. g: Newspaper, Radio-10
5. 1. 2 The Surge of the Local Media-10
5. 1. 3 Upwards but Restricted as for the Influence of the English-language Media-10
5. 2 Strategy Adjustment-10
5. 2. 1 Focus on Self-image to Enhance Credibility-11
5. 2. 2 Correct Self-position and Audience Position-11
5. 2. 3 Establish An Efficient System of Management-12