1. The origin of isolationism-1
1.1 Historical factors-1
1.2 Religious factors-2
1.3 Geographical factors-3
2.The main connotation of isolationism-6
2.1 Isolationism in the United States is only a diplomatic and political concept, not involving the economy and others.-6
2.2 Isolationism is a relative concept.-6
2.3 Isolationism is a strategy rather than a purpose.-6
2.4 The dual meaning of isolationism.-7
3.The development course of isolationism-8
3.1.The embryonic period of isolationism-8
3.2The period of the formation of isolationism-8
3.3.The period of development of isolationism-8
3.4.The climax of isolationism-9
3.5The disappearance of isolationism-10
3.6.The resurgence of isolationism and the period of New Isolationism.-11
4.Isolationism in different periods-12
4.1.The isolationism in nineteenth Century-12
4.1.1 The principle of the American system-12
4.1.2 The principle of mutual non interference-13
4.1.3 The principle of no colonialism-13
4.2.Isolationism in the first half of the twentieth Century-14
4.2.1 The revival of isolationism-14
4.2.2 The climax of isolationism: the spread of isolationism in the 30s-15
4.2.3 The Pearl Harbor event: the funeral bell of isolationism-16
4.3 The revival of isolationism during the Cold War-18
4.3.1 The first revival of isolationism in 50s-18
4.3.2 The Vietnam War and the second revival of isolationism-19
4.4 The emergence and characteristics of the new isolationism trend after the Cold War-21
4.4.1 The background of the New Isolationism-21
4.4.2 The characteristics of the New Isolationism-22
5. Conclusion-23