Abstract: Ralph Waldo Emerson, the creator and leader of Transcendentalism, has left his name behind in the world literature because of his literature creations as well as philosophical and religious thoughts. It is because of his manifesto that raises the status of human beings as high as that of God. Meanwhile, his unique religious views, as the roots of his Transcendentalism, have attracted a large number of researches and criticism. This thesis will discuss Emerson’ s religious points of view by analyzing three of his representative speeches. It is found that Emerson’ s religious ideologies change and develop from supposing the unity of spirit and material, emphasizing human’s value, to the unique affirmation of God. It is concluded that Emerson doesn’t believe the existence of supreme power of God but recognizes the great value of human that is beyond people’s own imagination.
Key words: Ralph Waldo Emerson; religious views; human value
1. Introduction to Emerson 1
2. Background of Emerson’ s Religious Views2
2.1 The Religious Environment in Emerson’ s Age
2.2 The Influence of Science and Philosophy
3. Emerson’ s Religious Views Reflected from His Speeches .5
3.1 “Nature”: Unity of Spirit and Material
3.2 “The American Scholar”: Emphasis on Human Value
3.3 “The Divinity School Address”: Unique Affirmation of God
4. Conclusion .9