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The essay focuses mainly on natural scenes in Emily Brontë’s novel --- Wuthering Heights. As a great work of the 19th century England, Emily’s masterpiece Wuthering Heights was a story intertwining deep love with deep hate. There are a number of techniques used excellently in Wuthering Heights, including poetic language, exciting plots, and unique narrative framework, etc. Describing natural scenes, however, also contributes to the charm of this novel. Undoubtedly, natural scenes play a vital role in creating impressive characters, diverse atmospheres and exciting plots, thus help to develop the theme of the novel. 


Key words: Emily Brontë; Wuthering Heights; natural scenes




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

2. Chapter I The Features of Typical Natural Scenes-2

A. The Moors-2

B. The Storm-3

C. The Tree-4

3. Chapter II The Features of Natural Scenes in Different Places-4

A. Wuthering Heights-5

B. Thrushcross Grange-6

4. Chapter III The Functions of Natural Scenes in Wuthering Heights-6

A. Creating Diverse Atmospheres-6

B. Creating Impressive Characters-7

C. Creating Exciting Plots-8

5. Conclusion-8



