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  • 更新时间:2017-09-15
  • 论文字数:4246
  • 课题出处:(佩佩教授)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文




This dissertation analyzes and discusses the British and American surnames from the two aspects. The first one focuses on the origins of American and British surnames: the occupations, the toponym, flora and fauna, the colors, fathers’ names, personal appearance and physical features, natural phenomena and weather conditions, and the Bible. The second one is concerned with the cultural connotations of American and British surnames, mainly described from the following sides: religious belief, nature worship, social change and status. Then the origins and cultural connotations of American and British surnames are presented. It ends with the idea that British and American culture should be trapped into in order to improve the comprehensive ability to apply English language.

Keywords: American and British surnames;origins;cultural connotations






2.A Brief Literature Review of English surnames .3

3. The origins of British and American surnames4

3.1 The occupations.5

3.2 The toponym6

3.3 Flora and fauna6

3.4 The colors7

3.5 Fathers’ names.7

3.6 Personal appearance and physical features.8

3.7 Natural phenomena and weather conditions.9

3.8 The Bible.9

4. The cultural connotations of British and American surnames 10

4.1 Religious beliefs10

4.2 Nature worship10

4.3 Social change11

4.4 Status12

5. Conclusion.13


