Abstract:Discussing the translation of children’s literature involves more issues, such as what is children’s literure? What and how do children think? What kind of ability do they have concerning literature reading? What’s the features of children’s literature translation? The translation of children’s literature is still in a developing stage, and it need to combine with many studies like the study of literature translation, or the principles of somatopsychic development of the children and so on.
This paper is intended to study the features and the main direction of the children’s literature translation. It starts with the review of the avaible translation history of children’s literature at home and abroad, and presents the discussion of the classic children’s literary works A Lttle Pincess, by Burnett Frances Hudgson, the famous American female writer and its Chinese versions by Mizi and Li Wenjun. The study is an important implication for the children’s literature translators to help the children derive knowledge and understand the spirit from literature during the translation process.
Key words: Children’s Literature; Features of Children’s Literature Translation;
A Little Princess
中文摘要:讨论儿童文学翻译,涉及很多相关问题,例如,什么是儿童文学?儿童如何思考? 思考什么?关于文学阅读需有何能力?儿童文学的翻译有哪些特点?我国现今的儿童文学翻译工作尚处于发展阶段,儿童文学的翻译需要与翻译研究及儿童身心发展等多方面结合起来,本文尝试通过分析国内外儿童文学翻译的研究状况和美国女作家伯内特的经典儿童文学作品《小公主》及国内译本的翻译特色,对现今儿童文学翻译的特点和今后儿童文学翻译的主要方向进行探讨,此研究对儿童文学译者在帮助儿童获得一定的文学知识,同时让儿童感受文学所表达的精神方面具有十分重要的意义。
关键词:儿童文学; 儿童文学翻译特点; 《小公主》