Abstract: Taking the cosmetics brand name translation for example, this study aims to find the necessity of creativity in brand name translation and improve translators’ awareness of creative translation. According to the analysis of cosmetics brand name translation, some principles and methods are put forward in this paper. Equivalence, conciseness, aestheticism are three principles of creative translation, and rhetorical devices, association and recombination are three major methods. The paper concludes that creative translation is an effective way to narrow the gap between translation theories and translation practices.
Key words: creativity, translation, brand name, cosmetics
1. Introduction1
1.1 Aim of the Thesis
1.2 Structure of the Thesis
2. Literature Review 1
2.1 Basic Concepts of Trans-creation Theory
2.2 Main Principles of Brand Name Translation
2.3 Main Methods of Brand Name Translation
3. Necessity of Creativity in Cosmetics Brand Name Translation.3
3.1 Analysis of Transliteration
3.2 Analysis of Literal Translation
3.3 Characteristics of Creative Translation
4. Creativity in Cosmetics Brand Name Translation5
4.1 Factors
4.1.1 Translator
4.1.2 Reader
4.2 Principles of Creative Translation
4.2.1 Equivalent
4.2.2 Concise
4.2.3 Aesthetic
4.3 Methods of Creative Translations
4.3.1 Rhetorical Device
4.3.2 Association
4.3.3 Recombination
5. Conclusion10