Abstract: Opinions about the translation unit division vary a lot in translation field all through the time. Different scholars have their different views about this. But all these theories just stay on the level of language unit to talk about translation unit while totally taking no consideration of the translator, the executor of translation. Since translation is carried out by translator and we human beings are always controlled by our brain thinking and mental activity, its much necessary to take translator's mental activity into consideration while researching on the issues of translation. Based on this, the thesis is such one to discuss the application of proposition as translation unit in translation practice under the view of the cognitive psychology of translation.
Key words:Proposition translation unit cognitive psychology of translation
1. Chapter One Literature Review-4
1.1 Discussions on Translation Unit Abroad-5
1.2 Discussions on Translation Unit in China-5
1.3 Some Problems Existing on Translation Unit-6
2. Chapter Two Cognitive Psychology of Translation-7
2.1 Aim and contents of Cognitive Psychology of Translation-8
2.2 Researching methods of Cognitive Psychology of Translation-8
3. Chapter Three Strategies of Translation-9
3.1 Proposition as Translation Unit-9
3.2 On Proposition Analysis-10
4. Chapter Four Procedure of Translation-11
4.1Translation Understanding-11
4.2Translation Expression-12
5. Chapter Five Application of Proposition As Translation Unit-13
5.1 Practice of Translation Understanding-13
5.2 Practice of Translation Expression-15