《他的敌人,他的朋友》是一本由美国作家兼广播员约翰•突尼斯撰写的小说。从哈佛毕业,第一次世界大战期间在部队服役,突尼斯作为一名自由职业者开始了为美国的体育杂志的 写作生涯。在接下来的二十年里他为杂志写了很多的短篇小说和文章都是关于体育和教育方面的。《他的敌人,他的朋友》于1967年出版,他觉得这本书是二战期间最好的作品。
在二战期间,主人公冯•克莱因施洛特作为德国赴法国的纳粹军人,为了执行上级的命令而杀害了村子里的一些村民。战争结束,他接受了法庭审判,辛苦劳作服役十年。在那之后,他经过努力 成为了德国足球队的队长和守门员,但在法国依然臭名远扬,只因为他战争时屠杀了村民。当德国队对战法国队,在那个二十年前他被判刑的城市鲁昂时,这其实并不是场比赛更像是一场复仇。
The novel His enemy, his friend is written by John R. Tunis. He was an American writer and broadcaster. After graduating from Harvard and serving in the Army during World War I, Tunis began his writing career freelancing for American sports magazines. For the next two decades he wrote short stories and articles about sports and education for magazines. His Enemy, His Friend has been published in 1967. Tunis considered this World War II book to be his best work.
In the World War II, as a Nazi officer in the occupied village of Nogent-Plage, he carried out the orders compelled from his superiors. Former German Sergeant Hans von Kleinschrodt is sentenced to ten years’ hard labor. After that he has become the captain and goalie of the German champion soccer team—but he remains infamous throughout France, despite his insistence that he alone defied orders to slaughter the villagers when the Allied Forces arrived. When the German team must face the French champions in Rouen, the very city where Hans was sentenced twenty years earlier, the stage is set for a grudge match—and revenge.
I translated the third part of this book. This part mainly describes the French team to fight the German team in the game. In this game, the German captain Hans met Mr varin. Coincidentally, Mr Varin is the son of the French town of Nogent’S villagers who killed by Hans. Once, Hans had spent a lot of time to teach Varin playing football in the French town of Nogent. Hans was both Varin’s friend and master, as well as enemies and opponents.
The paper will summarize the main part of the article of the translation section, including the main ideal of this story and the ideal of the writer. I will list some problems in translation process, especially in solving the problem in long sentences, complex words and football words.