1. Introduction.1
1.1 Research Background.1
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance 2
2. Literature Review3
2.1 The Theoretical Foundation.3
2.2 The Research Status of MI Theory 4
2.3 Picture Books5
2.4 The Research Status of Picture Books6
2.5 Current Situation of Applying Picture Books to English Teaching8
3. Methodology9
3.1 Research Questions9
3.2 Research Methods9
4. Applications of Picture Books in Primary English Teaching10
4.1 Problems of Picture Books Applied in Primary English Teaching10
4.1.1 Selections of Picture Books Are Unsuitable10
4.1.2 Picture Books Are Used Improperly10
4.2 Principles When Applying Picture Books in Primary English Teaching11
4.2.1 Emphasize Pupils’ Subjectivity.11
4.2.2 Emphasize Teachers’ Guidance11
4.2.3 Emphasize Open Interpretations of Picture Books11
4.3 Suggestions of Applying Picture Books in Primary English Teaching.12
4.3.1 Make Careful Selections12
4.3.2 Design Various Kinds of Teaching Activities14
4.3.3 Create a Variety of Situations16
4.3.4 Make White Space to Improve Individual Interpretation.16
5. Discussion.17
5.1 Tentative Answers to Research Question One17
5.2 Tentative Answers to Research Question Two.17
6. Conclusion.19