关键词:建构主义翻译观 钱钟书 引文翻译
Chapter One Introduction-1
Chapter Two Constructivism Translation Concept and Qian Zhongshu's Translation Theory-3
2.1 Literature review-3
2.2 The basis of constructivism translation concept-4
2.2.1 The philosophical and epistemological basis of constructivism translation-4
2.2.2 The linguistic basis of constructivism translation-5
2.3 The relation between constructivism translation concept and Qian Zhongshu's translation theory-5
Chapter Three The Translation Theory and Practice of Qian Zhongshu-7
3.1 Qian Zhongshu's "Sublimation" theory and quotation translation-7
3.2 The constructivism in Qian Zhongshu's translation theory-9
Chapter Four The Quotation Translation under the Guidance of Constructivism Translation-9
4.1 The principles of quotation translation-10
4.1.1 Conform to the target language habit and reproduce the style of original text-10
4.1.2 Balance the cultural differences between the original and the translated text-12
4.2 The strategies of quotation translation-13
4.2.1 Intention is chief: Interpretative Translation-13
4.2.2 Target language is first: Innovative Translation-14
4.3 The enlightenment of constructivism translation concept to translators-15
Chapter Five Conclusion-15