Abstract: Chinese and English are two different language systems which add to many difficulties in the process of foreign names translation. As the product of social language and culture, people's names have contained lots of important cultural information such as religion, history as well as social customs. Looking back on the history of name translation, we could find it experienced a process from the domesticating transliteration to foreign transliteration then to the combination of transliteration and free translation. The paper tries to discuss the change of foreign names translation from the language and cultural perspective.
Key words: name translation; cross-cultural perspective; translation methods
1. Introduction.1
2. Literature Review 2
3. Cultural Differences in Names2
3.1 Structure of English and Chinese Names
3.2 The Naming of the English and Chinese Names
3.3 The Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Name
4. Changes in Translation of Foreign Names4
4.1 Transliteration
4.1.1 Alienation Translation
4.1.2 Domestication Translation
4.1.3 Comparison and Problem
4.2 Free Translation
4.3 Transliteration with Interpretation
4.4 The Combination of transliteration and Free Translation
4.5 Creative Translation
5. Conclusion9