With the development of economic globalization, cross cultural international marketing has become a major trend. In this paper, the author shows the important influence of cross-cultural factors on the international marketing by analyzing language, nonverbal behavior,values, ways of thinking and the moral standards the five culture factors after summarizing the previous research of cross-cultural factors. International marketing is carried out in a cross-cultural environment, different cultures have different consumption patterns and behaviors. Different cultural environment will make cross-cultural sales encounter many problems. This paper also presents that only culture intervention and culture adaptation are carried out together and the cross-cultural factors are paid full attention, the cross-cultural marketing can be successful. For sales people, successful international marketing can not be separated from the correct understanding of the cultural characteristics of customers and the sensitivity to cross culture. For managers, successful international marketing can not be separated from cross-cultural management and the training of cross-cultural talents. In short,to do a full research of the culture of the target market,effective cross-cultural communication and effective cross-cultural management are essential for successful cross-cultural marketing.
Keywords: cross-cultural factors; international marketing; influences
2.Literature Review2
2.1 The definition of cross-culture.3
2.2 The definition of international marketing.4
3.The Cross-cultural Factors in International Marketing.5
3.1 The factor of verbal language 6
3.2 The factor of body language .6
3.3 The factor of values .7
3.4 The factor of the ways of thinking7
3.5 The factor of moral standard .7
4.The Influence of Cross-cultural Factors on International Marketing8
4.1 The influence of the verbal language 9
4.2 The influence of the body language10
4.3 The influence of the values 10
4.4 The influence of the ways of thinking .11
4.5 The influence of the moral standard 13
5. Conclusion14
Works Cited.15