Abstract: Vague Language is a universal phenomenon. It plays a very important role in cross-cultural communication. The paper is mainly concerned about the introduction of vague language, features, its purposes and socio-pragmatic functions, especially in the cross-cultural context. It aims to help English learners to know about vague language in the cross-cultural context and understand the real meaning of some vague language, which can have effects on social communication, and communicative techniques.
Key words: socio-pragmatic functions, vague language, cross-culture
摘要: 语言的模糊现象存在于各种文化之中。模糊语言应用于跨文化交际中可以产生独特的功能,从而促进交际的顺利进行。本文着重介绍模糊语言,探讨其特点、使用目的及其社会语用功能,特别是在跨文化的语境之下。这将使我们对跨文化语境下的模糊语言有所了解,从而领会一些模糊语言的真实意义,这不仅促进社会交际,还对掌握交际技巧等也颇具启示作用。
关键词: 语用功能,模糊语言,跨文化