本文从三方面分析了文化感知的三种感知内容:对客观事物的感知﹑对语言的感知﹑对行为的感知;文化感知对跨文化交际产生影响的三个方面:信仰 ﹑情感态度 ﹑价值观念;文化感知发生作用的步骤:首先选择外部刺激,再将所接收的刺激进行类别分类,最后将外部刺激转换为有价值的信息,并做出相应的反应;同时,本文也从三个方面分析了文化记忆产生影响的三个方面:价值观与思想 ﹑语言表达和行为。此后,作者又分别详细分析了文化感知与文化记忆在跨文化交际中所产生的消极影响——交流障碍与误解。最后,作者给出了减轻这种消极影响,提高交流质量的可参考的三个方法:承认文化多样性﹑尊重文化多样性﹑深入学习来自不同文化的人在时间观念﹑隐私观﹑饮食习惯﹑教育理念以及问候语这五个方面的不同,最后做到文化移情,抛开固有的文化态度与认识,站在对方的角度思考与交流,由此提高跨文化交际的质量与效度,克服交流障碍与误解,达到高效﹑顺利沟通的目的与效果。
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Cultural perception-1
1.2 Cultural memory-2
1.3 Cultural differences-3
1.3.1 Political and legal differences.-3
1.3.2 Language differences-3
1.3.3 Moral values'differences-4
1.3.4 Word views,customs,beliefs and ways of life's differences.-4
1.3.5 National education and national temperature's differences-4
2. The process and the way that cultural perception and cultural memory takes place in intercultural communication-5
2.1 The three aspects of cultural perception-5
2.1.1 The perception of visible objects and things.-5
2.1.2 The perception of words and expression that we speak-5
2.1.3 The perception of behavioral language-5
2.2 The three contents-6
2.2.1 Faith or Beliefs-6
2.2.2 Attitudes-7
2.2.3 Values-8
2.3.The process that cultural perception takes place in intercultural communication-9
2.3.1 Choose outside information-9
2.3.2 Classify the information-10
2.3.3 Make translation and elucidation and then make reactions.-10
2.4 The way that cultural memory takes place in intercultural communication-11
3.The negative influences of cultural perception and cultural memory-12
3.1 Conflicts and misunderstandings-12
3.1.1 Conflicts on verbal words:-13
3.1.2 Conflicts on beliefs and values.-14
3.1.3Conflicts on behaviours .14
4.How to avoid the negative influences of cultural perception and cultural memory16
4.1 The acknowledgement of cultural differences-15
4.2 Learn different cultures and make transpositional consideration-16
4.2.1 Attitudes on time.-16
4.2.2 Values on privacy.-16
4.2.3 Dietary habits-17
4.2.4 Educational ideas.-17
4.2.5 Polite greetings-17
4.3. Cultural sympathy-18
4.3.1 Cultural sensitivity ,sympathy and cultivation of cultural resilience-18