Abstract:Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-American writer, and Khaled Hosseini published his first novel The Kite Runner in 2003 which enabled him to gain popularity and win various awards for the newcomer. Later, he has launched A Thousand Splendid Suns and And the Mountains Echoed. The Kite Runner is a significant work on Afghanistan, war and humanity, focusing more on ordinary Afghans, on ‘how they lived in their country and how they manage abroad as exiles’. It tells a story of the childhood of an Afghan boy Amir and his spiritual redemption of childhood error after immigrating to the United States. And Amir’s persistence and hard work when knowing there is a way to make up his error paved the road for his own self-redemption and others’ redemption, revealing the true meaning of life and lead people to reflect.
Most domestic and foreign scholars on the study of The Kite Runner research mainly emphasize on religious disputes, racial problems, the images of kite, betrayal and redemption and narrative strategies, but few interpret it from the perspective of practical and spiritual redemption and the perspective of initiation story. Based on previous studies, this thesis will focus on the Amir’s self-absence and self-redemption road and the characteristics of initiation story reflected in The Kite Runner in an comprehensive and systematic way, to further analyze the growth of contemporary youth who is or has been experiencing confusion and struggles, so as to attach educational significance to the youth and help them out of difficulties.
Keywords: Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner self-lost and self-redemption initiation story
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Introduction to Khaled Hosseini-1
1.2 Introduction to The Kite Runner-1
1.3 Previous Studies on The Kite Runner-2
1.4 Thesis Structure-3
Chapter Two Initiation Story-4
2.1 The Origin and Development of Initiation Story-4
2.2 Characteristics of Initiation Story-5
2.1.1 Content-5
2.2.2 Theme.6
2.2.3 Structure6
Chapter Three Amir’s Self-absence and Redemption-8
3.1 Amir’s Self-absence-8
3.1.1 Lack of Courage-8
3.1.2 Escaping his Mistakes and Responsibilities-9
3.2 Amir’s Redemption-10
3.2.1 Daring to Face his Past Mistakes-10
3.2.2 Brave to Take his Responsibilities-11
Chapter Four Reflections on Amir’s Initiation-12
4.1 Facing Mistakes Courageously-12
4.2 Learning to Solve Problems in Life-13
Chapter Five Conclusion-14