Abstract: Economic globalization has greatly increased the demand for Business English talents. Having been developing for only ten years, the design of the curriculum and the cultivation system of Business English talents are not mature. Based on needs analysis theory, this paper aims to deeply research the requirements of 57 foreign trade enterprises in Hangzhou for the qualifications of Business English talents by means of questionnaires and interviews. By qualification, we mean morality, qualities and capacities. At the same time, we will analyze the difference of the qualifications for Business English talents in basic positions and in higher positions. In the research, we found that employers are satisfied with the ‘hardware qualifications’ of the Business English talents, such as the degrees and the English certificates. However, in terms of ‘software qualifications’, some basic abilities including customer awareness, learning ability and creativity are not satisfying to the enterprises. Also, they pointed out that some position capacities like business etiquette and cross-cultural communication abilities are disappointing in Business English talents. For Business English talents in higher positions, morality and basic abilities are more important than capacities.
Keywords: Hangzhou; foreign trade enterprises; Business English talents; qualification demand; needs analysis
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Background-1
1.2 Purpose and Significance-2
1.3 Structure of This Thesis-3
2. Theoretical Framework-3
2.1 ESP and Business English-3
2.2 The Research Model for Business English——Needs Analysis-4
2.3 Current Results of Domestic and Foreign Research-6
2.4 Summary-7
3. The Design of the Research-8
3.1 Research Subjects-8
3.2 Research Methods-8
3.3 Data Analysis-9
4. Analysis and Discussion of the Research Results-9
4.1 Requirement to "Hardware" Qualifications-9
4.2 Requirement to “Software” Qualifications-10
4.2.1 Morality and Values-10
4.2.2 Basic Qualities-11
4.2.3 Basic Capacities-12
4.2.4 Position Abilities-13
4.3 The Analysis of the Interview-14
4.3.1 The Improvement of the abilities-14
4.3.2 The Different Requirements for Basic Staff and Higher Staff-15
5. Conclusion and Suggestions-16
5.1 Major Findings-16
5.2 Suggestions to the Business English Majors-18
5.3 Suggestions to the Curriculum of Business English-18
5.4 Limitations of the Study-19
Appendix A 杭州外贸企业调查问卷名单-21
Appendix B 企业采访名单-23
Appendix C 企业对商务英语人才能力需求的调查问卷-24
Appendix D 企业对商务英语人才能力需求的访谈-26