Abstract:Since China’s entry into WTO on November 11,2001, our country is closely connected to the global economy. As a result of globalization of trade and information, international business negotiation has become an increasingly significant topic. Large firms as well as the small and medium enterprises pay greater attention to it. Because international business negotiation is not merely about the success of the deal between two parties, but makes tremendous impact on the propects of the company.
International business negotiation is not only a face to face conversation, it is a game, a contest. The entire process involves several complicate fields such as sociology,psychology,linguistic, logic and so on. In order to achieve the goal, several steps should be taken. Before the international business negotiation, we should make full preparation. Some aspects should be drawn attention. Collecting information of the customer as well as the negotiation strategies are inevitable. Another important thing is to choose a proper time and place for meeting. When we come to the course of international business negotiation, numerous skills are strongly acquired including asking questions, concession, breaking an impasse and using body language. Doing business is difficult and to maintain a good relationship with partner is harder. Thus, we should keep in touch with customers after the negotiation and usually gift will help a lots. As we all know, culture makes difference. Culture diversity has an influence which can not be ignored on the international business negotiation. Only by doing well in all these sections can we succeed in the international business negotiation.
Key words: international business negotiation; preparation; skills; maintain relationship; culture diversity