Abstract:This paper reports a study on the relationship of second language study and individual learner’s factors, using some examples from questionnaires to prove the connection between individual learner’s factors and their ESL. It is mainly on the English study motivation and strategies of college students in China. The conclusion is the individual learner’s factors dominate in the ESL. The individual’s characteristics, hobbies, worldview and life view determine their ESL. College students’ individual factors on their ESL greatly influences their English study.
Key words: target language; motivation; beliefs; strategies; effect; variable factors
摘 要:本文通过一些学者的问卷调查结果,进一步分析和研究了英语学习和个人因素之间的关系,其中主要涉及大学生学习英语的动机和策略。个人因素对英语学习的影响相当大,个人的性格、爱好、世界观和人生观等决定了英语学习的成效。