Overlapping words, which makes its debut in Chinese history dating back to a long time ago, plays an unsubstitutable role in Chinese. No matter in daily life or in literature, no matter for the poets or for the common people, it is used as wildly and frequently as proverbs and idioms. On the contrary, in English, the number of overlapping words and the usage of it are fewer than that in Chinese. In that case, the obvious comparison makes it is much more difficult for Chinese-learners whose mother tough is English. That also reflects a fact that it is of great importance to grasp the overlapping words in Chinese. In the 1980s’, this is a peak time of teaching Chinese as a second language, and at that time, there was many masters of Chinese devoting themselves into this field, such as Yuanren Zhao, Dexi Zhu, Borong Huang, Xudong Liao. With their efforts, there are plenty of papers and books introducing and analyzing overlapping words. According to that, this paper based on the analysis of errors, and summarized. Starting from the purpose of address errors at the same time put forward the corresponding teaching strategies, so as to guide teaching Chinese as a second language to a better future.
This paper, guided by the contrastive analysis theory, which applies such methodology as literature searching, induction, summarizing. And under previous studies, systematically analyzes and contrasts the Chinese overlapping words and the English overlapping words.
Key words: Overlapping words in Chinese; Overlapping words in English; Error analysis; Teaching strategy
1 Introduction-1
1.1 The introduction of overlapping words-1
1.2 Literature review-2
2 Overlapping words in Chinese and English-3
2.1 Characteristics of Chinese overlapping words-3
2.2 Characteristic of English overlapping words-4
3 A contrastive analysis of overlapping words between Chinese and English-5
3.1 Similarities of overlapping words between Chinese and English-6
3.1.1 From the aspect of word-formation-6
3.1.2 From the aspect of grammatical function-7
3.1.3 From the aspect of rhetorical function.-8
3.2 Dissimilarities of overlapping words between Chinese and English-8
3.2.1 From the aspect of word-formation.-8
3.2.2 From the aspect of grammatical function-9
3.2.3 From the aspect of rhetorical function.-9
3.2.4 From the aspect of part of speech.-9
4 The error analysis of overlapping words involving teaching Chinese as a second language.-10
4.1 Brief introduction about error analysis-10
4.2 Error analysis in second language acquisition-11
4.3 The sources of the error-11
4.4 Summary-14
5 Teaching strategies of overlapping words-16
5.1 The instruction should be explicit and comprehensive-16
5.2 The teaching points should be stand out.-17
5.3 Make the best use of the errors.-18
5.4 Pay enough attention to the overlapping words, and apply various form to do the exercise-18
6 Conclusion-19