Spoken English learning is not only an essential but easily neglected part during the process of English learning. Nowadays, some schools and training organizations have started to use the new instant messaging tools like Wechat and QQ in the teaching of spoken English. Based on multimodal theory, through questionnaires and interviews, this study investigates the current situation of the use of the instant messaging tools (QQ and Wechat) in the teaching of spoken English in primary school, evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of this multimodal teaching method, and puts forward some suggestions on how teachers can use these new tools to improve spoken English proficiency in primary school.
Key words: primary school English; spoken English; multimodal theory; instant messaging tools
摘 要
I Introduction-1
1.2-Purpose and Significance of the Research-2
1.3-The Framework of the Thesis-2
II Literature Review-3
2.1 Multimodal Theory-3
2.1.1 Mode-3
2.1.2 Modality-3
2.1.3 Development of Multimodal Theory-3
2.2 Related researches-4
2.2.1 Researches Related to the Application of Multimodal Theory in English Language Teaching-4
2.2.2 Previous Research on Spoken English Teaching in Primary School Abroad and at Home-5
2.2.3 Application of the Instant Messaging Tools in the Teaching of Spoken English in Primary School-6
III Methodology-7
3.1 Research Questions-7
3.2 Subjects-7
3.3 Instruments-7
3.4 Research Procedure of the Experiment-8
3.5 Data Collection-8
IV Data analysis-9
4.1 The Analysis of the Questionnaire-9
4.1.1 The Analysis of the Current Situation about Spoken English Learning-9
4.1.2 The Analysis of the Students’ Spoken English Learning Interest-10
4.1.3 The Analysis of the Current Situation the Teaching of Spoken English and Its Effect-10
4.1.4 The Analysis of the Students and Parents’ Feedback towards these New Tools-10
4.2 The Analysis of the Experiment-11
4.3 The Analysis of the Interviews-14
V Discussion of the Impact of the Application of the Multimodal Theory on Students’ Spoken English Improving-15
VI Conclusion-16
6.1 Major Findings-16
6.2 Pedagogical Implications-16
6.3 Limitations-17
6.4 Suggestions for the Further Study-18