In recent years, many primary English teachers started using picture-books in their English class, this new teaching method becomes very popular among the children in primary school. English picture books tell stories by showing children a series of coherent pictures and texts. It gives students a real context to sense not only how the words and sentences are used but also helps students to build up a cross-cultural awareness. However, how to integrate picture book reading into English class efficiently is still a big problem needs to be solved.
The thesis aims to explore the application of English picture book in primary English teaching, mainly discussed the following issues: the role English picture book plays in an English class and its function, the effective integration of English picture books and the text books, challenges in the application of English picture books and suggestions.
The methodologies adopted in this study include literature review, classroom observation and interview. 90 students and 5 teachers are chosen as subjects in the experiments. During the experiment, the author recorded the teaching procedure of a picture book reading class and collected teachers’ ideas about the effective integration of English picture books and the difficulties by interview. Based on the analysis of results of the classroom observation and interview, the thesis came to the conclusions:
English picture books accord with primary students’ cognitive characteristics that could be applied in English reading to improve students’ reading efficiency. As teaching aid English picture books fit into primary school’ English teaching, and with proper teaching strategies and skills, picture books can integrate with textbook to achieve maximum teaching effects.
But the application of English picture book in English teaching is not that easy, teachers find that the preparation of picture book reading class usually takes considerable time. And they usually don’t have enough time to finish all the teaching process. Besides, the resources of English picture books are not easy to be found.
For these difficulties, teacher’s group work and inter-regional cooperation may help. Teachers can work together to prepare one picture book reading lesson and share their picture book resources. And they can also help students do some pre-course preparation and delete some teaching activities.
Keywords: Primary students; English learning; English picture books
摘 要
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature review-1
2.1 Basic knowledge of English picture books-1
2.1.1 Concepts of English picture books-1
2.1.2 Characteristic of picture books-2
2.1.3 The significant of the study-2
2.2 The necessities and functions of using English picture books in primary English teaching-3
2.2.1 Characteristics of primary school students-3
2.2.2 Basis theory of cognitive development-3
2.2.3 The requirements of the National English Curriculum-4
2.4 The current research situation-5
2.5 Summary-5
3. Research design-5
3.1 The subjects of the research-5
3.2 The objects of the research-5
3.3 Research questions:-5
3.4 Research method-6
3.4.1 Classroom observation-6
3.4.2 Interview-6
4. Data collection and Discussion-6
4.1 The role of English picture book-6
4.2 The Application of English picture book-7
4.2.1 Picture book selections and preparation-7
4.2.2 Classroom teaching analysis-8
4.3 Challenges in the application of English picture books-9
4.4 Discussion-10
4.4.1 Advice for the challenges in the application of English picture books-10
4.4.2 Suggestion of using English picture book in primary English teaching-10
5. Conclusion-12
5.1 Conclusion-12
5.2 Limitation-12
Appendix 1:-14
Appendix 2:-17