Mind mapping, an active learning strategy, focuses on the combination of abstract thinking with imaginal thinking. It is also a graphic illustration, containing various elements like words, images, colors and branches. In a Mind map, associations between different information are set up, extending from a central idea.
While vocabulary plays a quite important role in students’ English learning, the memory of English words has been a difficulty for many students. Thus efficient learning strategies are of great need to promote students’ word memory.
Therefore, this study focused on the relationship between mind mapping and English word memory among primary school students. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of mind mapping technique in the English word teaching procedure has an effect on word memory for the second language learners. 2 Groups of participants in Grade 5 took part in the test. During the 2 months’ experiment, participants in the experimental group received mind mapping teaching method attached to regular word learning, whereas in the control group, students received regular word learning. Except for the test, questionnaires and interviews were also conducted among teachers and students. All the data were collected and analyzed at the end of the study. The results of this study showed that mind mapping can promote students’ understanding of the new English words, as well as effectively strengthen their English word memory. In addition, mind mapping helps students link previous knowledge to the new one, promoting their integrated use of the English language. The results also reveal that both the teachers and students showed a positive view on the application of word mapping technique in the TEFL classroom.
Key words: Mind mapping; English words; memory; primary school students
摘 要
1.1-Background of the research-1
1.2-Significance of the research-1
2.-Literature Review-3
2.1-Mind Mapping-3
2.1.1 The concept of Mind Mapping-3
2.1.2 The theoretical basis of Mind mapping-4
2.1.3 The previous studies of Mind mapping-5
2.2-English Word Mapping and vocabulary memory-7
2.2.1 The concept of vocabulary-7
2.2.2 The Function of English word mapping-8
2.2.3 Five kinds of English word mapping-8
2.2.4 Word mapping and word memory-10
3.-Research Design-12
3.1-Research Questions-12
3.3-Research tools-13
3.3.1 Tests-13
3.3.2 Questionnaires-14
3.3.3 Interviews-15
3.3.4 Data collection tools-15
3.4.1 The experiment-16
3.4.2 Questionnaires-16
3.4.3 Interviews-17
4.-Results and Discussion-18
4.1-Results and Discussion of research question one-18
4.1.1 Results of Research Question One-18
4.1.2 Discussion of Research Question One-22
4.2-Results and discussion of research question two-23
4.2.1 The results and discussion of the questionnaires-23
4.2.2 The results and discussion of the interviews-25
5. Conclusion-27
5.1-Major Findings and Implications-27
5.2-Limitations and Future Expectations-28