ABSTRACT:Discussion as a way of teaching, which aims at creating full participation and high motivation in a class, and at encouraging students to learn in a active way to develop various abilities, can be utilized in the extensive reading course of English majors in order to solve the problems arising in traditional extensive reading course, and turn the stationary reading into a combination of stationary and dynamic reading, thus guarantee the effect of teaching. This thesis points out that the discussion-oriented extensive reading class can be carried out in three parts, indicates the main points that need to be heeded in each part, and, at the same time, provides a specific example for teaching design accordingly.
Key words: discussion as a way of teaching; extensive reading course of college English majors; teaching design
摘 要:讨论式教学法旨在培养学生全身心参与课堂教学的意识、激发学生高度的学习动机,并且鼓励学生自主学习以增强其多方面的能力.因此,在大学英语专业泛读课可采用讨论式教学法,以解决传统的专业泛读课堂所存在的问题,变静态阅读模式为静动态阅读相结合的模式,从而保证教学效果.本文提出讨论式泛读课可分为三个部分进行,指出每部分需注意的要点,并提供了一个教学设计的范例。