Abstract:With the progress of the world economic globalization, China has witnessed its rapid development in foreign business especially after its entry into WTO. English Business Contract (EBC) is thus playing an increasingly important role, so is its translation. Under such circumstances, numerous researches concerning the translation of EBC have been done by many scholars from different perspectives and some translation principles as well as strategies have also been put forth.
However, this paper makes a study on EBC translation from another perspective, i.e. Skopos theory. Under the guidance of it, the macro requirement of translation is stressed instead of the literal equivalence in a micro sense. Besides, the application of Skopos theory to EBC translation is also analyzed, on the basis of which corresponding translation principles and strategies are proposed. In that case, the translation quality therefore can be greatly improved and more business can be concluded.
Keywords: English business contract Skopos theory translation principle
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background and Purpose of the Research-1
1.2 Layout of the Paper-1
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Studies on English Business Contract-3
2.2 Studies on Skopos Theory-4
Chapter Three Application of Skopos Theory in English Business Contract Translation-6
3.1 Theoretical Feasibility of Skopos Theory in English Business Contract Translation-6
3.2 Application of Skopos Rule-6
3.3 Application of Coherence Rule-7
3.4 Application of Fidelity Rule-7
Chapter Four English Business Contract Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory-8
4.1 Translation Principles-8
4.1.1 Being Exact and Rigorous-8
4.1.2 Being Normative and Conventional-9
4.1.3 Being Unified and Consistent-9
4.1.4 Being Professional and Acceptable-10
4.2 Translation Strategies-11
4.2.1 Literal Translation-11
4.2.2 Free Translation-11
Chapter Five Conclusion-13