Abstract:Focusing on business interpreting, this thesis aims at exploring interpreter’s role in business negotiation. With the advancement of China’s reform and opening-up as well as the acceleration of economic globalization, the presence of business interpreting has been sharply expanded as an indispensable element in Sino-foreign business cooperation. Despite many features similar with general interpreting, business interpreting is characterized by its own defining features, which inevitably exert impact over the role played and adopted by the interpreter.
Based on this point, this thesis has traced back to the origination of business interpretation and made a comparison between the general interpretation and business interpretation. Based on this foundation, this thesis employs turn-taking mechanism in discourse analysis theory to set forth the effective strategies in case of overlapping turns and turns with gaps, which, further reinforced by Cooperative Principle of pragmatics and Convergence Theory of communication study, demonstrates that the interpreter, together with all interlocutors, jointly influences and decides upon the direction and outcome of the communication, thus counterchecking the application of conventional interpreting theory in business context. Besides, this thesis also expatiates upon the initiative interventional and positive influence of the interpreter with regard to conflict prevention and alleviation. It further indicates that the interpreter is a facilitator, defuse and mediator as well as message-transmitter.
Key words: business negotiation, interpretation interpreter cross-culture awareness
从这一立足点出发,本文追本溯源,比较了普通口译与商务口译。在此基础上,本文运用话语分析中的话轮机制阐述了译员在商务谈判中出现话轮重复或话轮间断的情况下应采取的策略,同时,还从语用学合作原则和交际学趋同原则的角度说明译员和各谈话者一起共同影响和决定着谈话的方向和成果,从而颠覆了传统口译理论在商务口译中的应用。此外,本文还阐述了译员在避免冲突和缓和冲突中发挥的主动介入和积极作用, 译员不仅是语言转换渠道 ,同时还是交际促进者、协调者和斡旋者。
关键词:商务谈判, 口译, 译员, 跨文化意识