A great number of international affairs have taken place in China nowadays, such as the initiate of The Belt and Road, location of the headquarter of the AIIC (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), Hangzhou Summit and Beijing Summit, which indicates China is now actively participating in the international and regional affairs and has been more influential in the world. All the achievements cannot be separated from Chinese people’s hard work and are connected with the Communist Party of China and its leader, President Xi Jinping.
Chinese and English are quite different in syntax, ways of expressions, rhetorical application, and etc, which makes it more difficult to translate. Meanwhile, conversion, as an essential translation skill, means to transfer one Chinese phrase of one part of speech into another class in English, and it functions a lot in translation process. As we all know, it is acceptable to translate literally while by conversion, the work can be done smoothly, and the target text will be more satisfying and idiomatic. Drawing on the conversion theory, and Chinese version and English translation version of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, the paper aims to make a study of conversion in parts of speech through examples abstracted from the two books.
Keywords: conversion; Chinese-English translation;Xi Jinping: The Governance of China
1. Introduction1
1.1 Background of the research.1
1.2 Significance and purpose of the study.1
2. Literature Review2
2.1 Core concepts of conversion.2
2.2 Previous researches on conversion3
2.3 Previous researches on translation of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China4
3. Conversion among various parts of speech in the English version of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China .5
3.1 Conversion into noun5
3.2 Conversion into verb6
3.3 Conversion into adjective7
3.4 Conversion into adverbs.7
3.5 Conversion into prepositions.8
4. Conclusion9
Works Cited15