中文摘要:灾难片是好莱坞的类型电影之一,因其恢弘的气势,奇观化的视觉效果,跌宕起伏的情节受到人们热烈的追捧。随着全球生态危机的日益加剧,人们不得不重新反思和认识人与自然的关系问题。作为一种特殊的文化载体, 电影也在传承着民族精神和文化,而灾难片可以说是悲剧展现的一种生动形式,通过灾难式的震撼剧情来唤起人们强烈而长远的危机意识。本文力图通过比较文化的方式,借助中西方代表性的灾难片《超强台风》和《2012》,从影片中人们对于危机来临前的态度,对于危机的反应以及应对危机的措施几方面对比中西方灾难电影中人们对危机和危机意识的不同认识,进而从价值观,宗教传统两方面寻找造成这种差异的文化渊源,并为陷入危机的人们提供一些启示和增强我们的灾难意识。
Table of Contents
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background-1
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study-1
1.3 Layout of the Paper-1
2. Literature Review-1
1.4 Previous Studies on Crisis Awareness-1
2.2 Crisis Awareness & Disaster Film-2
2.3 Super Typhoon & 2012-3
3 Analysis of Crisis Awareness Difference between the Two Films-4
3.1 Attitudes of Crisis-4
3.1.1 Attitude of facing crisis in Super Typhoon-4
3.1.2Attitude of facing crisis in 2012-5
3.2 Reactions of Crisis-5
3.2.1 Reaction of facing crisis in Super Typhoon-5
3.2.2 Reaction of facing crisis in 2012-6
3.3 Measures after Crisis-7
3.3.1 Measures adopted in Super Typhoon-7
3.3.2 Measures adopted in 2012-8
4 Cultural reasons of the crisis awareness between China and America-8
4.1 Differences of value-9
4.2 Differences of region-10
5. Conclusion-11