Abstract: Ellen Olenska in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence is a representative of a “New Woman” in the upper-class society of the “Old New York”. This study aims to analyze her characteristics as a “New Woman” so to reveal the tragedy of women in that age. In this thesis, the analysis is conducted from three aspects. First, Ellen Olenska has the courage to challenge old-fashioned social etiquette, and then she refuses to take the traditional roles of women as an innocent girl or a perfect wife. Finally, her rebellious attitude to the conventional marriage morality also expresses her difference. It is concluded that Ellen is a representative of a “New Woman” with spirit of freedom, equality, rationality and liberation.
Key words: Edith Wharton; Ellen Olenska; The Age of Innocence; New woman
1. Introduction.1
1.1 Introduction to Edith Wharton and The Age of Innocence
1.2 Introduction to “New Woman” in Literary History
2. Ellen Olenska: A Representative of “New Woman”...2
2.1 Contempt for Traditional Social Etiquette
2.1.1 Neglect of Rules of the Upper-class Circles
2.1.2 Abandonment of Conventional Dress Code
2.2 Ellen’s Refusal of Traditional Roles of Woman
2.2.1 Struggle Against the Traditional Role of an Innocent Girl
2.2.2 Struggle Against the Traditional Role of a Perfect Wife
2.3 Ellen’s Rebellious Attitude to the Traditional Marriage Morality
2.3.1 Opposition to the Traditional Marriage Rules
2.3.2 Pursuit of True Love