Abstract: Uncle Tom's Cabin published in 1852, was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This thesis aims at the exploration of the causes of Tom’s tragedy in Uncle Tom's cabin. It falls into three parts. The first part is devoted to a brief intrduction to the author as well as the novel, Uncle Tom's cabin. Furthermore, the author takes a glimpse of the literary works concerning this subject issued recently in the field of American literature. Then the author attempts to analyze in details the causes of Tom’s tragedy in Uncle Tom's cabin from three perspectives: Tom’s personal characters, his religious belief and the slaveray system. Finally the author concludes that Tom’s tragedy in Uncle Tom's cabin results from his personal characters, religious belief and the slavery system.
Key words: Uncle Tom; tragedy; causes
1.1 Harriet Beecher Stowe
1.2 Uncle Tom's Cabin
2. Literature Review 2
3. Causes of Tom’s Tragedy in Uncle Tom's Cabin.3
3.1 Tom’s Personal Characters
3.1.1 Honesty and Faithfulness
3.1.2 Love and Sympathy
3.2 Tom’s Ignorance and Religious Belief
3.2.1 Ignorance
3.2.2 Belief of Christianity
3.3 Slavery System
3.3.1 Definition of Slavery System
3.3.2 Existence of Slavery System in America
4. Conclusion7