Abstract: Things Fall Apart is the first work of Chinua Achebe’s. This paper aims to make an incisive analysis of the tragedy of its main character of Okonkwo, who is not only skilled at winning battles, but also extremely loyal to the tribe. It points out that the influences of his father, his character flaws, and family and tribal environment are the direct causes of the tragedy and that the cultural conflict between African culture and Western colonial culture, the internal factors of the clan and the weaknesses of the Igbo society are the indirect causes of the tragedy.
Key words: Things Fall Apart, the causes of the tragedy, Okonkwo
1. Introduction1
1.1 Introduction to Chinua Achebe and Things Fall Apart
1.2 Literature Review
2. The Direct Causes of the Tragedy .2
2.1 The Influences of His Father
2.2 The Character Flaws
2.3 Family and Tribal Environment
3. The Indirect Causes of the Tragedy 5
3.1 The Cultural Conflict between African Culture and Western Colonial Culture
3.2 The Internal Factors of the Clan
3.3 The Weaknesses of the Igbo Society
4. Conclusion 7
Bibliography 8
Acknowledgements 9