1. Introduction1
1.1 Background and Objective of the Study.
1.2 Methodology and Structure of the Study
2. Literature Review and Theoretical Framework.2
2.1 The Origin and Development of CDA
2.2 Key Concepts of CDA
2.2.1 Language
2.2.2 Ideology
2.2.3 Power
2.3 Previous Studies of CDA on News Discourses
2.3.1 CDA on News Discourses Abroad
2.3.2 CDA on News Discourses at Home
3. Theoretical Framework..6
3.1 Fairclough's Three-dimensional Model of CDA
3.2 Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar of CDA
3.3 Difference between CL and CDA
4. Project Findings and Discussion8
4.1Date Collection
4.2 Data Analysis from news
4.2.1 Lexical Choice Analysis
4.2.2. Transitivity Analysis
4.2.3 Intersexuality Analysis
4.2.4 Visual Language Analysis
5. Conclusion